gmShiny Video Tutorials
Part 1: Data Input
This video explains the basic features available on the first page of the gmShiny app, the Data Input page. This includes information on how to use the example Plethodon dataset and how to upload your own shape, phylogenetic, and trait data.
Updates since tutorial recording:
Demo files available for all file uploads (see buttons above)
Download code buttons now pull all necessary info; no extra step needed to download data in current state
Instructions differ slightly, more information on various pages
Part 2: Data Prep
This video explains the basic features available on the second page of the gmShiny app, the Data Prep page. Here, one can edit the links and semilandmarks on the shape data, visualize individual outliers and remove them from the dataset, and perform the generalized procrustes alignment of the finalized shape dataset. This step must be completed before moving forward in the app, unless the uploaded shape data have already been aligned (and indicated as such on the Data Input page).
Part 3: Morphospace and Warp Grids
Part 4: Shape Patterns
This video explains some of the available settings for analyzing shape data, investigating patterns of modularity, integration, symmetry, and phylogenetic signal.
Updates since tutorial recording:
Various bugs fixed
Certain options only available after Calculate is pressed
Clear Symmetry Settings button now available
Part 5: Linear Models
This video explains the Linear Models page of the app, including ANOVAs, model comparison, allometric patterns, and trajectory analysis.
Updates since tutorial recording:
Various bugs fixed
Convex hulls available on Allometry Tab for version 0.1.3
Part 6: Extras
This video explains the Extras page, which includes another location for these video tutorial videos, news, and how to cite the app.