Version History
v0.1.4 - Released 3.7.2023
v0.1.3 - Released 6.13.2022
v0.1.2 - Released 5.13.2022
v0.1.1 - Released 5.11.2022
v0.1.0 - Released 2.17.2022
v0.0.0 - Released 9.17.2021
Changes to app: v0.1.4
Bug fixed: Modularity tab - selecting LMs for modules when app run through R Studio
Changes to app: v0.1.3
1) Bug fix regarding Export Plot option for Allometry tab (color of points)
2) Bug fix regarding log(CS) error message (plot and math were correct, error message no longer appears)
3) Convex Hull around discrete traits option added to Allometry tab
Changes to app: v0.1.2
1) Bug fix regarding Export Plot option for Morphospace with convex hulls
Changes to app: v0.1.1
1) Stereomorph file inputs can now have greater than 6 curves
Changes to app: v0.1.0
1) Download button now pulls a zip file of coordinates and the current state of the data (no longer two steps)
2) Unlimited idle time for session
3) Bug fix: warp grid point selected tracks axis flips and changes in which pc is shown on a particular axis
4) Bug fixes on Symmetry page:
- Previously: 'use symmetric components' was passing those landmarks back to the pre-gpa step, thus those lms were put through gpa again erroneously
- Export symmetric and asymmetric components of shape now functional
5) 'Clear Symmetry Settings' button added
6) Added demo files to guide formatting for imported data, found in Extras page associated with the relevant Tutorial video
7) Hid 'Define Links and Semilandmarks' tab when 3D data are uploaded. Future work: accommodating semi landmark definition for 3D data.
8) Various updates to instructions
9) Various other visualization bugs fixed
10) Hosted on a new server (Chatham University)
11) R updated to v4.0.4